
sending email newsletters
B2B Data B2C Data Customer Marketing

Marketing Into The Black Box

Last year our email broadcaster advised that we would no longer be able to use their service to send newsletters. When we asked why we were told that a scan had flagged List Factory as a “mailing list” business (duh) and they were implementing a global policy…

businessman mobile numbers telemarketing
Customer Marketing Telemarketing Data

Smartphones Are Crucial for Smart Telemarketing

According to ACMA research, ten years ago 90% of households were using a fixed landline to make voice calls. By June 2019, that number has dropped to less than 50%. The huge growth in people under 55 using only mobile phones for their voice calls has…

business and consumer audiences
B2B Data B2C Data Customer Marketing

The Difference Between a B2B and B2C Audience and How to Speak Their Language

B2B and B2C businesses have some things in common, most notably that they are both engaged in marketing their goods or services.The main difference in the two is who the target market is and how that will affect your marketing strategy.Target Market/AudienceConsumer database marketing is…

business data rebuilt
B2B Data Core B2B

Boost In Business Basics

2020 will go down as probably the most challenging year for businesses in recent memory – requiring significant agility, flexibility and survival instincts.With businesses adapting to permanent and temporary closures, remote working, and general uncertainty, we have also needed to make some changes in the…

B2B Data Core B2B

What To Expect When You Are Expecting B2B Data

Imagine that you work at a telco and have developed a product that is perfect for manufacturing businesses. You fire up your web browser and research tells you that the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimated that in June 2019 there were 48,000 manufacturing businesses in Australia that…

offline and online businesses
B2B Data Customer Marketing Direct Mail Telemarketing Data

Offline and Online Improves the Bottom Line

There are an increasing number of online businesses that are also using offline channels to prospect, and encourage loyal customers to purchase again. Why? The shift is being driven by costs and return on investment – including the increasing costs of online options and social…

B2B Data Core B2B Customer Marketing

Industry Unclassified

Blog Post from Simon White – Senior Accounts ManagerI have always been interested in how things can be grouped together to extract meaning from a chaotic jumble.The first system of classifications that really blew my mind was the biological taxonomy used for classifying living organisms…

b2b small businesses database
B2B Data

823,000 Reasons To Be Hopeful

A small business is usually defined as one with fewer than 20 employees and in 2019 there were around 823,551 employing small businesses in Australia. The owners of these businesses had enough confidence in the value they provided to test it against everyone else in the…